About Us
AMS Electric Fence Company registered since 2013, a certified ISO-9001 company in 51a, Ziegelhuttenstrasse, Babenhausen, Hesse, Germany. AMS certified Engineers always try to provide best security equipments according to modern era of world. AMS Electric Fence Company is Leading Electric Fence equipments especially designed for anti-moisture Hybrid Carbonated Material of Electric Fence Supply all over World. In 2013 start company with supply of electric fence products now in 2022 Walter Hans is the CEO of Company has manufacturing unit in German.
Walter Hans as C.E.O of Company always try to provide best security equipments in low as we can low provide rates with in best warranty period of electric fence energizer and accessories in all over world at wholesale rates..
C.E.O Message
AMS Always try to provide complete solution of boundary wall security for top wall by smart electric fence with anti-moisture Hybrid Carbonated Material of Electric Fence in all over world according to below stated products line
- Electric Fence Energizer
- Electric Fence Insulators
- Electric Fence SS Post & Support
- Electric Fence Indication Lights
- Electric Fence Warning Sign Plates
- Siren & battery Backup
- Wifi Module for remote Access
- High Tensioner Wires